Do A Little Good For The Earth
Happy Earth Month, everyone! This year, April looks different for many people, but we thought it would be fun to share ideas for how you can celebrate regardless of where you are, or how much time and money you have! These are all small, easy-to-do ideas that can grow really big without much cost to you. Surprise, surprise, most of these are things you can do right from your own front door!
Plant a tree at home, or two or three!
Have an empty spot in your backyard and heart that needs filling? Plant a tree. The good thing about planting at home is that you can pick any type of variety of tree you’d like. Maybe a southern magnolia that will be good for climbing in a few years time, or how about an evergreen pine that won’t ever go bald? You could pick a tree that has brilliant fall color, or a tree that provides fruits—like an apple or cherry. Regardless of which you choose, planting a tree can be a fun family experience and an opportunity to learn and teach about the world we live in.
Do your own yard work.
We know picking up the sticks from your flower beds doesn’t seem like the most impact you can make on the earth, but hey—it’s a start. If you have a run down area, now is the time to enjoy these beautiful spring days and get outside. Picking up your sticks, dealing with any old leaves will sing new life into your yard. Not to mention, all of those budding plants that are just starting to come back to life will have a way easier time than if they had to bust through a layer of muck.
Start a garden.
Planting a garden at home can bring so much joy, not just today, but for months and years to come. This could be a simple vegetable garden that provides fresh salads all summer long! Lettuce, carrot, tomatoes—delicious! Or possibly you want to bring more pollinators into the yard, and in that case will want to start a beautiful flower garden to support your local butterfly fauna. The options are truly endless, but with a little bit of research for the type of plants you’ll need and where they need to go, you’ll have an entirely new addition to your families home.
Pick up public litter.
Do you have a spot you love to go on walks at? A favorite stream to stroll? Well, take a walk but this time take along a bag this time (and may we recommend grabbers or some type of pokey tool!) If you pick up litter as you go, you’ll be making a more enjoyable area for both yourself and others. If you live in a neighborhood with an HOA, check in with them as they may provide incentives for people helping out with litter and other tasks around the neighborhood.
Recycle what you can.
Have old electronics you will seriously never use again? Take this time to research disposing of them properly and contact the proper recycle center to see if they will take the parts. Disposing of electronics in the right manner can really go a long way in helping the world. After all, if they landed somewhere else, they’d sit there forever. Electronics, like plastics and other household waste, does not break down.
Have a few old T-shirts? Try transforming them into reusable grocery bags. Not only will you have that sense of accomplishment, but it will be better than buying that cotton tote you’ve been eyeing because it only took your own man-power (instead of countless water and electric energy) to create it.
Switch to environmentally-friendly products.
The products you use in your home have a big impact on you, your family and your pets. Reduce the risk of toxic chemicals, and nasty cleaners that can sometimes do more harm than good, and ditching them. This does not have to be a costly run to the grocery store to replace everything you own. Simply as you run out of one item—replace it with a better version. Boulder Clean has a wide variety of Safer Choice approved dishwashing, surface cleaners, laundry detergents and disinfectant cleaners to help you clean better.
Donate to your local parks department.
If you have funds available that you would like to donate, you should reach out to your local Parks & Rec Department, Arboretum Society or Botanical Gardens. They will be able to use the money to plant trees, clean up parks or secure their services for the future by supporting them now! Plus, since they’re local you will be able to see the change and what you’re contributing to.
Drive less!
If there is one good thing that we should touch on this month it’s that, in our current situation, people are driving less. More people are working from home, and monitoring how often they go to the grocery store and on other errands. Reducing your drive time can reduce the direct impact you’re having on the environment around you. The best thing you can do? Continue these new practices into your new daily rituals once things return to normal. Obviously, people may not be working from home forever, but you can continue to reduce the number of errands you run and when.